We're here to help!
We endeavour to ensure every single item is as described and finds it's way to you in a safe and securely packaged parcel.
Things do go wrong ... give us a shout and we will do all we possibly can to sort things out.
We are only human!

Fill out the form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible
We endeavour to include a full set of easy to follow instructions with each kit.
Sometimes due to the complexity of the kits, you must be willing to do a fair bit of head scratching and the odd bit of cursing!
We have done our utmost to ensure your build experience is as smooth as possible.
Check parts with the parts list on the back page.
Remove parts from the casting spru with a razor saw or scalpel.
Dry fit all parts before bonding. Bond with a very small amount of super glue.
Should parts be slightly warped, use very hot water or hot air to soften them and carefully amend the shape.
Bubbles and slight imperfections are part of the casting process. These can be filled with either superglue and baking powder or purpose made product such as Milliput or similar.
The surface should be primed prior to painting.
Please contact us if you have any queries.
Basics of a sharp scalpel, razor saw, sanding sticks, needle files, some pliers and tweezers.
Do not expose this kit or parts to extreme temperatures or naked flames.
Please ensure when cutting or sanding you wear an appropriate face mask.
This kit and parts are not suitable for use as a toy due to small parts.
Please ensure all parts, solvents and other equipment are stored safely out of the reach of both pets, children and anyone liable to be unsympathetic to your hobby!